In January 2016, Dr. Manson embarked on a lifelong dream of becoming a Board Certified Chiropractic Internist. Since then, Dr. Manson has been diligently working on his DABCI Diplomate. As of February 2018, Dr. Manson will have completed the entire 300 hours required for Board Certification. These classes were intensive and required travel to St. Louis, Raleigh, and Chicago once a month. This was more challenging because Dr. Manson stills treated patients during the week thus leaving no time off.
1. 1001 | Foundation of Chiropractic Family Practice
2. 1002-03| Patient Consultation & Evaluation
3. 1006 | Natural Strategies in Laboratory Testing
4. 1024-25 | Gastrointestinal Health & Protocols for a Healthy Gut
5. 1017-18 | Allergies, Sensitivities, & Autoimmune Response
6. 1009 | Cardiovascular Disease
7. 1027A | Endocrinology Clinical Application
8. 1011 | Pharmacognosy-Utilizing Botanical in a Functional Practice
9. 1008 | Differential Diagnosis Interpretation
10. 1007 | Additional Blood Test & Tumor Markers
11. 1016 | Detoxification & Diagnosis of Hepatic & Renal Systems
12. 1028 | Pharma Reactions
13. 1029 | Infectious Disease Emergency Disorders
14. 1010 | EKG & Phonocardiograph
15. 1019-20 | Common Disease Diseases Affecting the Arterial System
16. 1014 | Pulmonary Disease & Lung Function
17. 1021 | Diagnostic Training for Cardio-Respiratory Disorders
18. 1015 Geriatrics and Mental Health
19. 1013 Pediatrics
20. 1027 Advanced Endocrinology
21. 1022 Neoplastic Disease and Cancer
22. 1004 Male and Female Pelvic classroom
23. 1005 Male and Female Pelvic Workshop
24. 1030 Dermatology
25. 1026 Review of Systems, History and Physical Exam