
Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy
Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy (CMT) is a safe, effective treatment for joint dysfunction in the spinal column and extremities. It is utilized to restore joint mobility, improve biomechanical function, improve nervous system function and reduce pain.
Dr. Manson utilizes manual manipulation as well as activator-based technique. The Activator Instrument provides a gentle, low-force chiropractic adjustment. These newer correction methods are safer, more comfortable and more effective than ever before. This technique works well for children and elderly patients.
The combination of the various approaches varies from patient to patient, and even during the course of treatment, depending on the patient's comfort and preferences and the patient's response to the treatment.
Dr. Manson uses neurological based chiropractic adjusting techniques. As Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Kirk Manson has 30 years of continued training and experience in spinal adjustment.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release is extremely effective in treating chronic pain. It involves applying pressure to the myofascial connective tissue or trigger points. The benefits of myofascial release include increased range of motion, improved flexibility, and reduced pain.

Massage Therapy
Our Licensed Massage Therapists offer a variety of techniques to address your specific healthcare needs. Appointments are available for 1/2 and 1 hour sessions.
Trigger Point Injections
Trigger points are “knots in the muscle” that form when muscles do no relax. Trigger points may irritate the nerves around them and cause referred pain, or pain that is felt in another part of the body. Trigger point injections using homeopathic remedies help treat chronic pain, reduce inflammation and increase mobility.

Functional Medicine
Dr. Manson is currently enrolled in a 300-hour program to obtain Diplomate American Board Chiropractic Internist distinction. DABCI Chiropractors specialize in advanced Functional Medicine protocols through laboratory testing to determine food sensitivity, nutritional counseling and IV therapy. A food sensitivity, as opposed to a food allergy, happens gradually and isn’t life threatening. However, these sensitivities will drive immune responses in our bodies such as inflammation, gastrointestinal problems, joint pain, and skin disorders.
Food sensitivities may be caused by many factors such as stress, infections, overeating, artificial preservatives, additives, molds, pesticides, antibiotics, and environmental pollutants. Food sensitivities can then contribute to many chronic health conditions: including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, autism, ADD/ADHD, eczema, chronic ear infections, gut malabsorption, insomnia and many others.used by many factors such as stress, infections, overeating, artificial preservatives, additives, molds, pesticides, antibiotics, and environmental pollutants. Food sensitivities can then contribute to many chronic health conditions: including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, autism, ADD/ADHD, eczema, chronic ear infections, gut malabsorption, insomnia and many others.
- Blood chemistry tests
- Urinalysis Salivary assay hormone tests
- Comprehensive gastrointestinal stool analysis
- Food allergy/sensitivity testing
Therapeutic Laser
The Erchonia Laser is the first laser to gain FDA market clearance for the treatment of chronic neck and shoulder pain. Therapeutic Laser emits visible coherent light that is applied to an affected area. Low-level lasers are different than the more publicized heat laser that are used in many surgical procedures to cut and cauterizes tissue. Low-level lasers do not have a thermal effect and are used to stimulate tissue. The overall effects are decreased pain and inflammation, as well as increased range of motion.

Homed Based Stretches & Exercises
We teach our patients stretches and exercises designed to help strengthen and correct their own unique problem. These exercises can be performed at home and can improve the effectiveness of their treatment by as much as 30% to 40%. In addition to skeletal misalignment, muscles and connective tissues can be out of place or strained by improper alignment and use. Specific exercises and stretches can help your body stay in balance and in health.
Other Therapies
We also provide the following therapeutic procedures:
- Interferential Electrical Muscle Stimulation
- Mechanical Traction
- Moist Heat Therapy

We are able to take and develop x-rays on site.